Sunday, February 28, 2021

Election Fraud Updates

February 28, 2021 0 Comments


We're very frustrated with the Supreme Court, so is Sidney.  She's not expecting the remaining cases to be heard, either.  Last week the court tossed PA & today, 3/1/21 the court tossed WI/Az/MI.  Flynn suggests we form a citizens brain buster group.

(vid is also avail on rumble - Lin Wood calls for military to declare. . 

The video is fine, but it never got off the ground - WHY?
OKOK, the video tells us how to get Pres. Trump back, but we have other problems to worry about . . . 

OKOK, we know who are our enemies (or so you think - don’t say Democrats)  -  but what you don’t know is how to fix the prob, right? OPEN YOUR EYES, b4 it’s too late  CLICK HERE

Our Vets, who have joined the state militia as of late, have big plans too!  HERE

Keep in mind . . .

The Insurrection Act of 1807 is a United States federal law that empowers the President of the United States to deploy U.S. military and federalized National Guard troops within the United States in particular circumstances, such as to suppress civil disorder, insurrection, or rebellion.

SO WHATEVER we do must NOT seem like civil disorder, insurrection, or rebellion.

@rodrigosevilla There are 75 million patriots in America who know the election was a fraud. Even if only 3% of those patriots organized into a national militia, and the other 97% actively supported them, the liberal cult could be defeated, and probably without a shot even being fired.

And remember: there is nothing illegal about forming a militia for the common defense. It's as American as the love of freedom, and the right to do so is written undeniably into the Constitution.

I do not think the military would stand against a force like that. Those in the military would see their brothers, fathers, cousins, neighbors, friends, and a great many former military people, all standing together to do what the military is supposed to do: defend the Republic. I think there are too many patriots in the military for it to stand against a militia of two million patriots.

But even if I'm wrong, and the military will let itself be used as a weapon of the tyrant to dominate America, that's all the more reason for patriots to get organized, because the militia will be the only hope they have. Just remember what communist governments always do when they take control of a nation.

But if by some miracle the Republic can be saved without the militia, that's great; it would just mean that those who joined the militia met new friends and business contacts, patriots formed a more cohesive network, and we reminded traitors that the American people are prepared to fight for their freedom.

What if someone seasoned in Guerilla Warfare were to take charge and communicate/coordinate each state's militia?  I like the idea of hacking bank accounts and sending politicians penniless to Alaska kibbutz or commune never to leave or harm would come to loved ones.  Then they'd take over media and break-up the monopolies.  We'd have new elections with ppl not trained as politicians with huge penalties for taking lobby money.  

Someone like @GenFlynn @StevenHorsford @lathamsaddler could also encourage/organize 3/4 of the military to desert and join the militia.  If pedophiles can communicate via the deep, dark web so can we.

We must study, study, study then take action to not face jail time - like HERE  and  HERE.  

Anyway, this is my dream. . .

We have other groups that want to take action.  Some people think of hacking and blackmailing our House Reps and Senators to vote correctly.  What do you think?  And ppl are talking about a solution for Biden.

No one wants Biden impeached, then we have Kamala.  But we have Kamala now so what’s the diff?  See best case scenario for a fake Pres (Imagine all are gone - poof!) 

Guess depopulation ain't our thang . . . 

I love the updated version, don't you?

Hollywood and the Equality Act

February 28, 2021 0 Comments

 What matters? not us, We have no representation

Those House Fucke***s let us down again. They passed the equality bill, so it’s on to the Senate. WTF - those House Republicans are not pretending anymore -- they sure aren’t GOP. What bills are they trying to get passed right under our noses. We must depend on hackers, but are they asleep? The ruthless, elite Communists really hate us, don’t they? Not the average Dems who are also freaking I suppose.  What other laws click HERE

I realize Hollywood loves the Dem/Commie because they are OK with sexual perversion and no religion.
In fact, they revere them.  Notice in High School it's "cool" to be gay, nowadays.

It's not about equality - WHAT?

What's so dangerous about the Equality Act, you ask?

Let's pray that the Senate won't let it pass or are they compromised with Hollywood money, perversion or both?

We're sick of Hollywood brainwashing - Golden Globes Awards 2021 viewership down 60%

White House Correspondents Dinner: Saturday 24th April, Washington Hilton Hotel, Washington DC, USA. - remember Sarah Huckabee Sanders roasting 2020?  Let’s plan a nice roasting for 2021!  Someone in audience should just stand-up and take the mic.


February 28, 2021 0 Comments

 What is it?

This drug requires a prescription and can be filled at most pharmacies.



Dem/Gop are both too corrupt and I hope disappear soon.  We need a party that is not so compromised; one that will really, truly go after Big Pharma, right?

How would we do it?  

We need a party that would not push a deadly flu = covid; to profit off "we the people."

We need a party that would not push masks; to profit off "we the people."

We need a party that would not push lockdowns; to erase small biz and scare "we the people."

What are China's new plans of attack?  HERE

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Why in the HELL do we want kids back in school?

February 27, 2021 0 Comments
Before I move on, please read THIS

We want our children to socialize, but don't you as a parent need to monitor the choice of "friends."  How do you do that in public education?

Besides home school, the idea of private schools is great, especially if you qualify for a tuition waiver or discount!

Let's also mention "those" children who hold your child back in a public school.  BTW what's the difference between normal - ap - honors classes - HERE.

You don't have to keep your children confined to the house.  Let them explore and join youth activities - both physical and mental.

Lastly, there's the danger factor.  No gun zones like schools are targets, right?  Why would you want to put your child in that situation?

Keep in mind that the Dem/Commie want's all our children in school to mess with how they think, eat and don't pray.

If we ever give up and we’re backed into a corner to declare Biden as the winner, the military cannot help us here on our soil, but our Vets can help!

Thank God!  Cry.  Throw a fit.  The fact still remains that voting will never be the same and we need help from our Vets, who are probably joining the nearest militia about now.

What else do we need?  Great hackers, right?  Each state needs their group of hackers who coordinate with foreign country hackers, so jailtime is not in their thoughts.  Plus, each state needs a hacking leader to coordinate hands-on and hands-off doers.  I'm thinking of operations even more covert than The Silk Road, Atlantis and Black Market Reloaded operations.  A way to communicate slyly online.

See/Hear video on how easy the hacking actually is - HERE

Sunday, May 5, 2019

The Quickest & Easiest Way To WORLD TRADE happy mentality

May 05, 2019 0 Comments
trade war

If Japan is going to help save the multilateral system, it needs to do better than muddle through its G20 presidency on WTO (World Trade Org.) reform.  The G20 summit will be in Osaka, Japan this year, June.

There are at least four significant problems that their effort will have to overcome if it is to succeed:

The coordination problem. No single country in the group that met recently has the economic heft of the United States. The European Union comes closest, but it has its own internal divisions on trade to deal with (most prominently the looming problem of Brexit, though there are other less dramatic splits). Economic heft matters because countries at the WTO can lead best by example – offering significant market access to others if  they are willing to reciprocate. A group of countries can match or exceed the economic size of the United States, but then they have to be able to coordinate among themselves. It was notable that Canada and the E.U. came into the recent meeting with distinctly different approaches and proposals.

The consensus problem.The WTO is not an organization with majority rule; it requires consensus among its membership. In the years of its predecessor, the GATT, there was often an effort to reach such consensus among a small number of principal trading nations – the United States, Canada, Japan, and the European Union, for example. Then others could be brought in after – or left on the sidelines. 

In the Uruguay Round of the 1990s, there was a push to significantly broaden participation and have all countries sign on to a “single undertaking.” So how to get 123 countries to agree? Because the new WTO was being created, there was a one-time bit of leverage: any holdouts were threatened with exclusion from the new organization. As the Doha talks illustrated, however, reaching consensus without such a lever was very difficult.

The speed and scope problem. In the wake of the Uruguay Round, there was some hope that the WTO could avoid lengthy, expansive trade rounds and instead take on issues in an almost-legislative fashion. That didn’t happen. With such a large number of participants (now 164) and fears that a new trade round will not be coming along any time soon, there are strong pressures to include the favorite issue of each country or interest group. That can make for an unwieldy agenda and drawn-out negotiations. The Doha talks were launched in November 2001 and were intended to conclude by January 2005; they’re still not officially finished.

The Trump problem. While the United States did not need to be at the table for preliminary discussions, it does need to be involved in any ultimate resolution. Unlike China or any of the other major trading nations, President Trump has expressed distaste for the very idea of a multilateral approach. This distaste often appears to extend to the idea of any sort of global rules that could constrain U.S. actions on trade.

Crafting a solution to all these problems will be difficult to pull off. To survive, the WTO needs a relatively quick agreement.  To read more political topics CLICK HERE

trade war

Saturday, March 23, 2019

3 Top Risks Of the Global Trade War Solution

March 23, 2019 0 Comments
trade war
The solution was supposed to be the World Trade Org.  Has it managed to negotiate trade dispute solutions for waring nations?

No?  Members of the World Trade Organization (WTO) have become increasingly frustrated with all three of its main functions: monitoring member states’ trade policies, providing a forum to negotiate new trade agreements, and arbitrating trade disputes.

Why?  What are the issues?  First, two-thirds of the WTO’s 164 member states continue to claim “developing country” status, a designation that allows them to take advantage of certain benefits and exemptions to obligations not granted to advanced economies. However, economic realities suggest that many of these countries have the capacity to take on fuller obligations. For example, 10 Group of Twenty (G20) members claim developing country status at the WTO. Since the WTO allows for self-classification, there is no universal definition for developed or developing status.

Second, the WTO’s negotiating arm is atrophying. At the root of the degrading negotiating function is the difficulty for WTO members to reach a full consensus, which is required to agree to new agreements, obligations, and rule changes. The failure of many countries, including major economies like China, to comply with notification and transparency obligations has made negotiating new rules and agreements even more difficult. 

The United States, the European Union, and others have called for rules that would punish members for not complying with their transparency obligations. The consensus requirement, however, will likely present a formidable roadblock to such rules being agreed to. Certain members, including China, have taken advantage of the overall impasse at the WTO and continue to maintain discriminatory barriers against imports, intervene in markets to support state-owned enterprises, and fail to report subsidies to the WTO accurately.

Third, some countries (but primarily the United States) have concerns with the WTO dispute settlement system, the main process to resolve trade conflicts between members. Specifically, the United States is concerned the Appellate Body, which permits countries to appeal against adverse rulings, has exercised decision making and arbitration power beyond its original mandate. 

Successive U.S. administrations have claimed that the Appellate Body, through its rulings, adds or diminishes to the rights of WTO members by reinterpreting WTO agreements, despite WTO members having never agreed to those interpretations. While desire for reform is broadly shared across the WTO community, member states’ opinions and proposals on how to proceed vary significantly.

There can be no agreement between the nations, so this org. might dissolve naturally.  Or could a country take the lead and come up with something reasonable, fair and lucrative for all?  Why not take a look at other political topics?  CLICK HERE
trade war

Friday, March 22, 2019

Here's What No One Tells You About Teenage Suicide

March 22, 2019 0 Comments
teen suicide youth

Suicide is the third leading cause of death for youth between
the ages of 10 and 24, and results in approximately 4,600 lives lost
each year.

Of the reported suicides in the 10 to 24 age group, 81% of the
deaths were males and 19% were females. Girls, however, are 

more likely to report attempting suicide than boys. 

Native American/Alaskan Native youth have the highest rates

of suicide-related fatalities. A nationwide survey high school 
students in the U.S. found Hispanic youth were more likely to 
report attempting suicide than their black and white, 
non-Hispanic peers.  Teen or teenage youth are at risk.

Several factors can put a young person at risk for suicide; 

however, having risk factors does not always mean that a young person will attempt suicide. Risk factors include: family history of suicide; history of depression, other mental health problems, 
or incarceration; easy access to lethal means; alcohol and drug
use; exposure to previous suicidal behavior by others; and residential mobility that might lessen opportunities for 
developing healthy social connections and supports. 

The very good news is that we know how to do away with
this preventable and tragic loss of life. The first step is to change and expand the way we talk about suicide. We know that more than half 
of all people who die by suicide visit their primary care doctor within a month of their deaths. 

For the most part, however, a discussion of suicide is not part

of the average examination. Nor is depression, which is the psychiatric diagnosis most commonly associated with suicide 
and is projected to be the second leading component of the 
global disease burden by 2020. We must start asking about 
suicide (i.e., screening) like we monitor for blood pressure. 
If not, we will not find the people who are suffering in silence.  Teenage suicide is no joke.

But we still have a long way to go. One of the biggest problems
is that most people who need treatment do not get it — 

50% to 75% of those in need receive inadequate treatment or
no treatment at all. 

This is partly due to stigma and access-to-care barriers, but, 

in the end, few avert the problem of under-treatment: Nearly 
80% of college students who die by suicide receive no consistent treatment prior to their deaths. 

Suicide can be prevented — which sets it apart from other sources
of pain and suffering in the world. We need to get to a place where everybody, everywhere asks the questions that help identify at-risk individuals and get them the help that they need. Together, we can prevent these unnecessary tragedies.

Click here to read youthful topics of interest.

teen suicide youth