Pres. Trump Accomplishments not well-known

There is an Int’l program that has been funded by the USA - Global Climate Change Initiative -  the global plan to curb climate change.  For obvious reasons, the new 2019 budget eliminates this program.

In addition, there are int’l geological science programs that will be cut by 21% - those for volcanic, arctic and earthquake research.  Plus, astrophysics is cut by 12 percent and Earth Sciences by 6 percent. 

The gov. does not want to throw money away toward programs like Solyndra.  In the history of the US. lots of gov. money has been wasted and thrown at numerous energy efforts.  There’s a long list of Obama wasted money thrown into the wind.

On the other hand, Space technology science received $926.9 million in the bill, with the report citing “the need to maintain an independent research and technology portfolio to support both science and human exploration programs.” Of that total, $180 million will go to Restore-L, a satellite servicing mission also previously threatened with cancellation, and $100 million to nuclear thermal propulsion research, including planning for a flight demonstration mission by 2024.

NASA’s science programs were among the biggest beneficiaries of the budget increase, receiving a little more than $1 billion above the original request. Planetary science alone received more than $500 million above the request, including $280 million more for the Europa Clipper mission and $195 million for a follow-on lander mission to that icy moon of Jupiter not included in the original request. The launch of those missions would slip a year, though, to 2023 for Europa Clipper and 2025 for the lander.

NASA’s lunar science plans also fared well, with the lunar Gateway, called the Lunar Orbital Platform in the report, receiving $450 million while the Advanced Cislunar and Surface Capabilities program won $116.5 million. A low Earth orbit commercialization initiative, included in the budget as part of a proposal to end direct funding of International Space Station operations in 2025, received only $40 million of the requested $150 million, which will go to “port implementation analysis and other activities to enable future commercial activities at the International Space Station.” 

And the results are in - Fracking benefits far outweigh anything negative.  We're energy independent - yeah, yeah, yeah!

Besides the appointment of many, many judges, what else has been accomplished
even with such fierce opposition? . . .
AND let's take back the HOUSE, if you want more immigration reform and the wall completed!
Note:  Healthcare reform is partially fixed - What?

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