Sunday, February 28, 2021

Election Fraud Updates


We're very frustrated with the Supreme Court, so is Sidney.  She's not expecting the remaining cases to be heard, either.  Last week the court tossed PA & today, 3/1/21 the court tossed WI/Az/MI.  Flynn suggests we form a citizens brain buster group.

(vid is also avail on rumble - Lin Wood calls for military to declare. . 

The video is fine, but it never got off the ground - WHY?
OKOK, the video tells us how to get Pres. Trump back, but we have other problems to worry about . . . 

OKOK, we know who are our enemies (or so you think - don’t say Democrats)  -  but what you don’t know is how to fix the prob, right? OPEN YOUR EYES, b4 it’s too late  CLICK HERE

Our Vets, who have joined the state militia as of late, have big plans too!  HERE

Keep in mind . . .

The Insurrection Act of 1807 is a United States federal law that empowers the President of the United States to deploy U.S. military and federalized National Guard troops within the United States in particular circumstances, such as to suppress civil disorder, insurrection, or rebellion.

SO WHATEVER we do must NOT seem like civil disorder, insurrection, or rebellion.

@rodrigosevilla There are 75 million patriots in America who know the election was a fraud. Even if only 3% of those patriots organized into a national militia, and the other 97% actively supported them, the liberal cult could be defeated, and probably without a shot even being fired.

And remember: there is nothing illegal about forming a militia for the common defense. It's as American as the love of freedom, and the right to do so is written undeniably into the Constitution.

I do not think the military would stand against a force like that. Those in the military would see their brothers, fathers, cousins, neighbors, friends, and a great many former military people, all standing together to do what the military is supposed to do: defend the Republic. I think there are too many patriots in the military for it to stand against a militia of two million patriots.

But even if I'm wrong, and the military will let itself be used as a weapon of the tyrant to dominate America, that's all the more reason for patriots to get organized, because the militia will be the only hope they have. Just remember what communist governments always do when they take control of a nation.

But if by some miracle the Republic can be saved without the militia, that's great; it would just mean that those who joined the militia met new friends and business contacts, patriots formed a more cohesive network, and we reminded traitors that the American people are prepared to fight for their freedom.

What if someone seasoned in Guerilla Warfare were to take charge and communicate/coordinate each state's militia?  I like the idea of hacking bank accounts and sending politicians penniless to Alaska kibbutz or commune never to leave or harm would come to loved ones.  Then they'd take over media and break-up the monopolies.  We'd have new elections with ppl not trained as politicians with huge penalties for taking lobby money.  

Someone like @GenFlynn @StevenHorsford @lathamsaddler could also encourage/organize 3/4 of the military to desert and join the militia.  If pedophiles can communicate via the deep, dark web so can we.

We must study, study, study then take action to not face jail time - like HERE  and  HERE.  

Anyway, this is my dream. . .

We have other groups that want to take action.  Some people think of hacking and blackmailing our House Reps and Senators to vote correctly.  What do you think?  And ppl are talking about a solution for Biden.

No one wants Biden impeached, then we have Kamala.  But we have Kamala now so what’s the diff?  See best case scenario for a fake Pres (Imagine all are gone - poof!) 

Guess depopulation ain't our thang . . . 

I love the updated version, don't you?

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