Sunday, February 28, 2021

Hollywood and the Equality Act

 What matters? not us, We have no representation

Those House Fucke***s let us down again. They passed the equality bill, so it’s on to the Senate. WTF - those House Republicans are not pretending anymore -- they sure aren’t GOP. What bills are they trying to get passed right under our noses. We must depend on hackers, but are they asleep? The ruthless, elite Communists really hate us, don’t they? Not the average Dems who are also freaking I suppose.  What other laws click HERE

I realize Hollywood loves the Dem/Commie because they are OK with sexual perversion and no religion.
In fact, they revere them.  Notice in High School it's "cool" to be gay, nowadays.

It's not about equality - WHAT?

What's so dangerous about the Equality Act, you ask?

Let's pray that the Senate won't let it pass or are they compromised with Hollywood money, perversion or both?

We're sick of Hollywood brainwashing - Golden Globes Awards 2021 viewership down 60%

White House Correspondents Dinner: Saturday 24th April, Washington Hilton Hotel, Washington DC, USA. - remember Sarah Huckabee Sanders roasting 2020?  Let’s plan a nice roasting for 2021!  Someone in audience should just stand-up and take the mic.

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