Saturday, February 27, 2021

Why in the HELL do we want kids back in school?

Before I move on, please read THIS

We want our children to socialize, but don't you as a parent need to monitor the choice of "friends."  How do you do that in public education?

Besides home school, the idea of private schools is great, especially if you qualify for a tuition waiver or discount!

Let's also mention "those" children who hold your child back in a public school.  BTW what's the difference between normal - ap - honors classes - HERE.

You don't have to keep your children confined to the house.  Let them explore and join youth activities - both physical and mental.

Lastly, there's the danger factor.  No gun zones like schools are targets, right?  Why would you want to put your child in that situation?

Keep in mind that the Dem/Commie want's all our children in school to mess with how they think, eat and don't pray.

If we ever give up and we’re backed into a corner to declare Biden as the winner, the military cannot help us here on our soil, but our Vets can help!

Thank God!  Cry.  Throw a fit.  The fact still remains that voting will never be the same and we need help from our Vets, who are probably joining the nearest militia about now.

What else do we need?  Great hackers, right?  Each state needs their group of hackers who coordinate with foreign country hackers, so jailtime is not in their thoughts.  Plus, each state needs a hacking leader to coordinate hands-on and hands-off doers.  I'm thinking of operations even more covert than The Silk Road, Atlantis and Black Market Reloaded operations.  A way to communicate slyly online.

See/Hear video on how easy the hacking actually is - HERE

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